THE LUMINEERS - zrušený koncert


Podujatie THE LUMINEERS - III. THE WORLD TOUR, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 21.6.2021 o 19:00 hod. v AXA aréne Bratislava, je z dôvodu rozhodnutia managementu kapely THE LUMINEERS - ZRUŠENÉ! O ďalšom postupe a spôsobe refundácie Vás budeme informovať najneskôr do 9.4.2021. Ospravedlňujeme sa za vzniknutú situáciu. Za pochopenie ďakujeme. XL group After an insanely difficult last year+ for all, it is with heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of our European Tour. It’s of the utmost importance to us that we, our crew and most importantly our fans, are safe when attending live shows. We will ONE DAY SOON tour again, and we hope to see you then. The Lumineers